Showing 41 - 60 of 485 Results
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with certificate
Good Quality.However, Rnase and Dnase free is not confirmed for these products
105MM Filter Funnel
Nitrite, ultra low range, EPA Diazotization, reagents for 25 tests
Hardness, total, EDTA method, Test kit for 50 tests (range 400 to 3000 mg/L (ppm)
Calcium Hardness Checker reagents
Metal Based clamp two sided Burette 2000/-Plastic Based clamp two sided Burette 1000/-Heavy duty SS type metal clamp 2000/-Light SS type metal Clamp 1200/-Black Iron Type Metal Clamp 1400/-Similarly for Flask clamps contact for more details Price 5000/-
Metal Blue Base and SS Rod As per Picture 3500/- (Imported)Blue Base and heavy Rod 3500/- (Local Heavy duty but with less finishing)Black Base and Rod (Light weight Base) 2500/-
111800 �S/cm EC value @ 25�C, 500 mL bottle
pH 9.18 @ 25�C Calibration Buffer, 500 mL bottle
Reagents for LR ammonia Checker
Nitrite HR Checker (0-150 ppm)spare reagents (25 tests)